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Steven A. Schoenfeld - Wiley Finance: Active Index Investing : Maximizing Portfolio Performance and Minimizing Risk Through Global Index Strategies 138 read ebook TXT, FB2


A guide to how indexes are constructed, how index-based portfolios are managed, and how the world's sophisticated investors use index-based strategies to enhance performance, reduce costs and minimize the risks of investing. It provides an overview of the investment theories that are the foundation of index based investing., For over three decades, indexing has become increasingly accepted by both institutional and individual investors. Index benchmarks and investment products that track them have been a driving force in the transformation of investment strategy from art to science. Yet investors' understanding of the sophistication of this burgeoning field has lagged the growing use of index products."Active Index Investing" is the definitive guide to how indexes are constructed, how index-based portfolios are managed, and how the world's most sophisticated investors use index-based strategies to enhance performance, reduce costs and minimize the risks of investing."Active Index Investing" provides a comprehensive overview of (1) the investment theories that are the foundation of index based investing, (2) best practices in benchmark construction, (3) the growing world of index-based investment vehicles, (4) cutting-edge index portfolio management techniq ues and (5) the myriad ways investors can and do capture the benefits of indexing."Active Index Investing" has a unique format that captures the views and perspectives of over 40 of the investment industry's leading experts and practitioners, while maintaining a holistic view of this complex subject matter. In addition to the Appendix and Glossary within the book, it features an E-ppendix, available at

Read online book Wiley Finance: Active Index Investing : Maximizing Portfolio Performance and Minimizing Risk Through Global Index Strategies 138 in TXT, DOC

Separate clear entries for derivatives and abbreviations.In addition, there are enhanced book introductions, accurate in-text maps, authoritative full color maps, and page bottom notes.They are grouped according to whether they grow best in sun, partial shade, or full shade, and each one includes an illustrated planting plan, a shopping list with brief plant descriptions, information on what to expect as the planting matures, and tips on customizing the plan for different sites and climates., Selecting perennial plants can be overwhelming there are hundreds of choices, and it s difficult to know when your plants will bloom, whether they ll thrive in sunny or shady spots, and which ones will look well together.Frame packs the most interesting work from around the globe into six tactile issues a year.