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Ebook Rudolf Steiner - The Bridge Between Universal Spirituality and the Physical Constitution of Man in MOBI, EPUB, DJV


3 lectures, Dornach, December 17-19, 1920 (CW 202) Rudolf Steiner addresses the following topics in these lectures: Soul-and-Spirit in Man's Physical Constitution: The physical organism of man is considered today to consist of more or less solid-fluid substances; but as well as his solid, physical body, man has within him as definite organisms, a fluid body, an air-body and a warmth-body. The connections of these organisms with the members of man's whole being and with the different Ethers. Thought and Tone; Ego and circulating Blood. Man in the sleeping state. Man's relation to the universal Spirituality. Imagination, Inspiration, Intuition. The circumscribed view of the human organism prevailing today is unable to build any bridge between the physical body and the soul-and-spirit. The Moral as the Source of World-Creative Power: Recapitulation of previous lecture. Connection of the moral world-order with the physical world-order. The moral world-order has no place in the natural scientific thinking of today. The positive effect of moral ideals and ideas and the negative effect of theoretical ideas on the four organisms in man. The materialistic conception of the imperishability of matter and energy. Matter and energy die away to nullity; but man's moral thinking imbues life into substance and will. The natural world dies away in man; in the realm of the moral a new natural world comes into being; thus are the moral order and the natural order connected. Absence of spirituality in the modern picture of the world which is based on the Copernican system. Kepler and Newton. We need a spiritual view of the universe. The sun is not a globe of burning gas but the reflection of a spiritual reality revealed in the physical. The moral power developed by man rays out and is reflected as the spiritual Sun. Julian the Apostate. The connection of the spiritual Sun with the physical sun is the Christ-Secret. The Path to Freedom and Love and Their Significance in World-Events: Man as a being of Thinking, Action and Feeling. The connection of the life of thought with the will. Pure thinking: irradiation of the life of thought by will. This leads to Freedom. Irradiation of the life of will by thoughts leads to Love. The meaning of the ancient expressions: Semblance, Power, Wisdom. To speak of the imperishability of matter and energy annuls Love. The significance of Freedom and Love in world-happenings.", Soul-and-Spirit in Man's Physical Constitution; The Moral as the Source of World-Creative Power; The Path to Freedom and Love and Their Significance in World-Events.

Rudolf Steiner - The Bridge Between Universal Spirituality and the Physical Constitution of Man read FB2, DOC, EPUB

Jesus' claims go further, saying that He is also unconditional love, and that his mission is to give us that love through an act of complete self-sacrifice.The intriguing, often eminent individuals who confront us from their portraits are further revealed through brief biographies in the books catalogue section, where Nadars interpretations of his subjects are also discussed.Perhaps that s why so many millions believe in Dog.The book focuses on three core areas of relationships: self, others, and Higher Power/God, and offers readers the opportunity to complete exercises pertaining to each area.The team defied and often angered the critics, guiding Mike from a rape conviction and prison term to a second world championship and earnings in excess of $300 million.A gladiator book with added bite, The Gladiators is sure to be welcomed by scholars and general readers alike.From the author of the blockbuster bestseller The Game A shockingly personal, surprisingly relatable, brutally honest memoir, in which the celebrated dating expert confronts the greatest challenge he has ever faced: monogamy and fidelity.Neil Strauss became famous to millions around the world as the author of The Game, a funny and slyly instructive account of how he transformed himself from a scrawny, insecure nerd into the ultra-confident, ultra-successful "pickup artist" known as Style.Full of hilarious gags, it’s totally politically incorrect, unashamedly x-rated and downright dirty.