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How are surfing and music interrelated? Is surfing inherently musical, as is some-times claimed? Surfing about Music trace multiple connections between music and surfing through subjects ranging from mele (chants/songs) to hapa haole music in Hawai�i; from California �surf music� to surfing-themed festivals in Italy and the UK; from surf movie soundscapes to pro surfaces becoming pro musicians, as well as �soul surfers� making music on beaches. A lifelong surfer and musician himself, Cooley grounds his analysis in real-life stories, based on interviews and conversations with surfing musicians such as Jack Johnson, Tom Curren, and Dave Rastovich; surf movie makers including Bruce Brown and Andrew Kidman; and other surfer/musicians from Hawai�i, California, the United Kingdom, Italy, Australia, and elsewhere. This first expansive study of music and surfing broadens ethnomusicological thinking about the many ways musical activities are integral to human socializing beyond rigid notions of place and genre. Engaging, informative, and enlightening, this book is a fascinating exploration of surfing as a cultural practice with accompanying rituals, habits, and deeply held beliefs about why music is essential for forming disparate but globalized surfing communities. Book jacket., This first major examination the interrelationships of music and surfing explores different ways that surfers combine surfing with making and listening to music. Tim Cooley uses his knowledge and experience as a practicing musician and avid surfer to consider the musical practices of surfers in locations around the world, taking into account ideas about surfing as a global affinity group and the real-life stories of surfers and musicians he encounters. In doing so, he expands ethnomusicological thinking about the many ways musical practices are integral to human socializing, creativity, and the condition of being human. Cooley discusses the origins of surfing in Hawai#145;i, its central role in Hawaiian society, and the mele (chants) and hula (dance or visual poetry) about surfing. He covers instrumental rock from groups like Dick Dale and the Del Tones and many others, and songs about surfing performed by the Beach Boys. As he traces trends globally, three broad styles emerge: surf music, punk rock, and acoustic singer-songwriter music. Cooley also examines surfing contests and music festivals as well as the music used in a selection surf movies that were particularly influential in shaping the musical practices of significant groups of surfers. Engaging, informative, and enlightening, this book is a fascinating exploration of surfing as a cultural practice with accompanying rituals, habits, and conceptions about who surfs and why, and of how musical ideas and practices are key to the many things that surfing is and aspires to be.

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